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How Do You Connect With Your Angels?

Without realising we already connect with your angels in many wonderful ways, including through our dreams, feelings, and signs we receive. I have heard many stories on the experiences people have encountered through there life paths, from seeing the presence of a spirit or shadow with a recent loved one passing away or from sudden images or light orbs presenting themselves in strange ways we cannot explain.

My awareness began with the visual signs I would receive and this would be through animals such as birds, feathers (mainly little white and pigeon feathers), light orbs and shadows. After my grandparents passed away, I felt this awakening within myself with the spirit world and this really enlightened the connection with my higher self. There maybe some who find it difficult to believe in such things and may think ('this is too scary or witch like') as I've heard many times. The way I channel this energy is to keep an open mind at all times, be grateful for any messages or signs you receive. It is not all of us who can be a witness to these miraculous happenings so I advise to embrace each occurrence as a gift.

Connecting with our angels, then, is much more than a personal-growth venture. It’s a relationship that helps us remember and work on our Divine life purpose, and to enact God’s plan of peace. It’s a relationship that could make a life-and-death difference for ourselves and our loved ones.

Ways to potentially create a connection with your angels:

Ask for help - speak aloud, when you are about to go to sleep or before you get up in the morning. Communication is the only way in most areas of life and the same applies here. Create your own invocations, or prayers, that specifically call for the help you need. Know that when you call upon an Angel, that what really happens is that you open yourself into greater receptivity to their assistance.

Connect with your inner divine child - As you call upon the Angels for help, your inner divine child is whole, innocent and true. This will help recognise Angels as true and trustworthy gifts which will help create openness, receptivity, excitement, eagerness, and wonder as you prepare to receive the gift your Angels have prepared for you.

Express appreciation and gratitude - This is vital in all aspects of your life, we must always be grateful for our life, no matter the situation we are in. Being able to reveal our thanks is to be open for receiving. Each an every one of us go through our own life paths with lessons being taught every day. If you find you are struggling with this, call on the Angels to help you to find the love that is present in whatever difficulty you are facing. It is super important to have patience with this and let go of any expectation of how the love may be revealed to you.

Start a daily meditation practice - I always find meditating helps me. There are several different ways one could meditate and so many reasons why we should do it. I meditate to calm my nerves and release anything unwanted within me. Meditation also helps me before and after a reading and whilst cleansing my cards. You can make meditation part of your daily routine, this could be when your are about to go to sleep and before you wake up in the morning. I feel like these are the best times to meditate for me as get to channel this positive energy through my day and create a sense of peace within me before going to sleep.

  • I use my favourite meditation playlist on my spotify, put my earphones in and begin... I close my eyes, think of a peaceful place that is sacred to me, and imagine this bright white light circulating through my whole body.

  • When I find the core an am focused within this feeling, I start breathing in for 4 seconds and then slowly release for a further 5 seconds. I repeat this exercise until I am fully relaxed and within my own spiritual realm.

  • My meditation lasts 15 minutes and I do this in the morning before I get out of bed and in the evening before I go to sleep.

So.. there are many ways to channel yourself to connect with your higher self and open yourself in order to create a connection with your angels, spirit guides and ascendant masters. Begin your journey today and embrace this beautiful experience.

We hope this has been helpful to you!

Stay blessed and stay safe. Love and light to you beautiful souls.

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