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  • soulsistatarot

Tarot Reading Combination Exercise

Learning to understand Tarot through different methods which we will begin to share on a weekly basis moving forward.



Hi guys,

I hope you are keeping well, staying safe and most importantly remaining positive during these challenging times. I wanted to share our first blog post with you all and had thought, what a better way to start then by sharing with you a method we find very useful to expand our understanding with tarot/oracle.

No matter our experience in any given field we may be in whether it be tarot, management, construction, law or whichever field you may be in, I am a true believer that we are forever learning and growing. Even if you are a psychic, medium, reiki master, tarot reader, healer or whichever area you specialise in, there is always room for learning new techniques and methods to implement in our professional practice.

I found this exercise to be very useful and help me gain a deeper understanding and connection with my tarot cards. The exercise is simple:

  • Choose a deck that really connects well with your energy.

  • Then conduct a mini ritual in opening your space to begin the connection. This can be any ritual/prayer/meditation you use currently before conducting a reading. Even though this is an exercise, I find it more intimate when the same process is carried out as if a reading were to take place.

  • Once your cards are ready, spread them out as you desire, whether it be in a fan, spread out randomly, it is straight line, whichever way you feel drawn too.

  • You will then need to draw two cards from the pile and begin to look at them.

  • Once you have had the chance to have a deep look into the cards and see what messages or interpretations you receive, make a note of these meanings which come to you on paper.

  • There is no limit on how many cards, you would like to draw, it could be 1,2,3,4 and so on. I felt quite connected by only drawing 2 cards.

If you decide to go ahead with the exercise, I do hope it helps you like it helped me. We would be happy to hear any feedback or comments you may have.

Stay safe, stay well and stay blessed 🙌🏻

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